It's come...
My palm crystal is starting to blink.
30 kinda heralds the end of feeling like a kid.
I can still scale Half Dome, but I'm not likely to be let off the responsibility hook anymore.
In Okinawa, people generally accepted that I was a young, lone traveler until they found out I was 29. Then most of the rural people told me I should be married.
All the things you thought you should have achieved by now (whatever they are) begin to seem either urgent or distant and unattainable at this age.
If you still don't know what those goals are, the rootless, randomness of your life is not brought into any sharper focus by aging alone.
Eh, it's just another day.
The best lesson of aging is to try to live all of them well.
City Hall Rainbow
Was chasing this rainbow down the 5 freeway from Burbank to downtown. Had
about 2 minutes to photograph it before the setting sun disappeared behind
the c...
5 years ago
Happy Birthday Dre !
Very eloquent and very insightful. I didn't know it was your birthday. Was it June 4th?
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