I never even noticed that Capote had come out on DVD, but I should have, since I did some work on it. I no longer really work with the DVD people at Cimarron, but every once in awhile I am called back into their service. This little task was actually kinda fun, and unusual for me. (I think the studio normally takes care of it). Sony asked us to break the film down into 28 chapters for the DVD - to identify the break points, name the chapters, and select an appropriate image to represent each chapter on the DVD menu. Somehow this job got passed to me. I kinda enjoyed it. This was all just before the Oscars, so it was even a little fun to think that the film might be a Best Picture winner. Anyway... for anyone who has ever wondered... yes, there is a person whose job is to sit and watch the movie, decide where to put the chapter breaks, and choose catchy chapter titles and images for the DVD menus. On Capote, I was that guy. Yippee.
City Hall Rainbow
Was chasing this rainbow down the 5 freeway from Burbank to downtown. Had
about 2 minutes to photograph it before the setting sun disappeared behind
the c...
5 years ago
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